
Elvis at Tennessee just before midday at 11.45am on April 8, 1972

Presley braved the cold winds, and descended the steps onto the tarmac, followed immediately by his father Vernon Presley. Lois Thomas wrote an article the following day, April 9, 1972 titled: “Gyrations Now look rather like Karate Moves Elvis thrills Ex-teen-agers and Youths”, which referred to Elvis’ arrival at the airport, “Security unusual, security was tighter for Elvis during his visit here than for any Presidents, Kings or other officials who have visited Knoxville in recent years”. A News-Sentinel reporter (Jan Maxwell), and photographer (Dave Carter) were first told they would not be allowed near the Lear Jet bringing Elvis to Knoxville when it arrived. Later, arrangements were made to allow a photographer to meet Elvis. However, no fuss was made when a reporter accompanied the photographer to greet Elvis”. Reporter Jan Maxwell (Avent) described Elvis’s attire in her article published the following day: “The singing star was dressed in a wine-colored suede leather outfit with a knee length coat and matching pants. He wore a pair of modern sunglasses”. Maxwell witnessed the scene at the airport as the fans were held back from meeting their idol as she wrote: “Fans not allowed Past Gate – screaming fans were not allowed past the gate of the ramp – only a handful of persons were allowed by Preslcy officials to meet the plane, including the Mayor’s wife, and a News-Sentinel photographer and reporter”.

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