February 01, 1956
After a few hours’ sleep Elvis was driven to Trenton, New Jersey, for a radio interview with WAAT DJ Don Larkin, later attending a press reception in his honor at the Hickory House. Asked about his reaction to his success, Elvis said: ” It scared me, You know, it just scares me”.
February 01, 1958
Elvis Presley crams in one more trip to a recording studio before joining the US Army. The session will produce “Wear My Ring Around Your Neck”, which will reach #3 in the US and the UK.
February 01, 1961
Elvis took Joe Esposito and Anita Wood to Tupelo to show them his hometown. In the field behind his birthplace they found that the sign declaring it to be the future site of the Elvis Presley Youth Center had fallen down and no work had been done toward construction of either the building or the swimming pool for which Elvis donated $14,000 from his 1957 Tupelo performance.
February 01, 1968
Exactly nine months after marrying Elvis Presley, Priscilla Presley gives birth to Elvis’ only child, Lisa Marie, at the Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis.

Elvis and Priscilla leaving for the hospital for the birth of Lisa Marie.
Priscilla gave birth to a baby girl at Baptist Hospital in Memphis at 5.01 p.m. while Elvis and other members of the entourage wait in a doctor’s lounge specially set aside for their use. Elvis was so nervous before leaving the house that his grandmother reminded him that it was Priscilla, not he, who was having the baby.

A special detail of Memphis police, paid for by Elvis, would stand by at the hospital over the next 4 days.

February 01, 1969
Elvis Presly’s single “If I Can Dream” hit #12 in the U.S.
February 01, 1970
Lisa Marie joined Priscilla at the dinner show to celebrate her second birthday.
February 01, 1973
Lisa Marie was present at the 8.00 p.m. show for her fifth birthday in Las Vegas.

February 01, 1977
At 2.30 a.m. Elvis and Ginger left for Las Vegas with Billy and Jo Smith, then traveled on to Los Angeles to celebrate Lisa Marie’s ninth birthday, after which they returned to Memphis.