
Elvis and Priscilla Presley walking out of court after their divorce, 09.10.1973

Elvis filed for divorce from Priscilla with it being finalized on October 9, 1973. These photographs capture Elvis and Priscilla walking out of court. Elvis appears to be heavy (i.e. gained weight). Priscilla appears to be fine. At times they held hands and, as one photograph confirms, Elvis reached over and kissed her. Priscilla would later state that “as we walked out of court I held Elvis’ hand. They were swollen and I was shocked at how bad he looked. I was worried. Elvis had always taken great pride in his appearance and I wasn’t prepared for how he looked. I knew the divorce, and seeing Lisa Marie, weighed heavily on him and we both made mistakes. He leaned over to me and sang part of the Dolly Parton song I will always love you”.

Elvis and Priscilla Presley walking out of court after their divorce

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  1. Priscilla left Elvis because she loved someone else. Stop using Elvis. Priscilla seems to want herself to shine more than Elvis.

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