
October 9, 1970 Elvis Presley With his first Stutz Blackhawk – 11 Photographs

Elvis purchased this Stutz Blackhawk on October 9, 1970, for $26,500

Jules Meyers: Elvis wanted to have the car, I told Elvis that there was a car show, in a couple of days, and that I would need the car for that. It was O.K. with Elvis, so the car was sold. Elvis also agreed to take some press-pictures with him and the car – good for publicity. Frank Sinatra was also interested in the car, but Sinatra would not agree to any pictures of the Stutz being taken with him and he would not agree to the car being displayed at the car-show. So it was obviously the better decision to sell the car to Elvis Presley.



Elvis with his Stutz Bearcat, October 9, 1970


Elvis and John O’ Grady leave Elvis’ Hillcrest home in his Stutz Blackhawk : October 9, 1970.

Elvis and John O’ Grady leave Elvis’ Hillcrest home in his Stutz Blackhawk : October 9, 1970.


Elvis purchased this Stutz Blackhawk on October 9, 1970



elvis In Los Angeles sometime in late 1970 2



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