
Remembering Elvis

Charlie Hodge, “He told me, he said, “You know why I stopped going with Ann?” I said, No, why?” He said, “Because I knew I was gonna marry Priscilla.” So he broke it off himself. You see, he was beginning to feel things for Ann. And like I said, he knew he was going to marry Priscilla, so he just broke it off before it could got any further.”

Joe Esposito, I think that came more or less from Priscilla’s parents, saying, “Hey, you know, she’s been with you long enough, it’s time to get married.” And Elvis had no bones about that. He was happy to.”

Danny Striepeke, “It was Viva Las Vegas with Ann Margret. And, boy, what a hot pair. I said to Elvis one morning at the Sahara Hotel, I used to go wake him up in the morning, I said, “That’s a match for you.” And I don’t know if whether I should say this or not, he said, “Well, wait to you meet Priscilla.”

Lance Legault, “Elvis told me on the set of Speedway that he and Priscilla were gonna get married.”

Joe Esposito, If you see a lot of pictures during that period, you’ll see they’re very happy, they’re smiling, they’re having a good time. And then when she became pregnant, that even made him happier. He loved kids and animals. I know ’cause when I had my two daughters, he was very close to them. And so he was happy, I mean smiling all the time, they were having such a great time. We had the ranch in Mississippi, (Circle G), and it was like a whole new little group thing happening.”

Jerry Schilling, “I think number one, he didn’t want to go back to mediocre movie. He wss just enjoying being there with everybody. He had just gotten married. Elvis and Priscilla were very happy at this time. And he wasn’t ready to go back, and then the pressure started, you know, time to go to work, time to go back to Hollywood.”

From Joe Esposito book Remembering Elvis

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