
Upstairs at Graceland 13 Rare Photos

The upstairs area of Graceland is often referred to as the “private” or “personal” quarters of Elvis Presley’s mansion. It is where Elvis and his immediate family primarily resided and where he spent much of his time. The upstairs area is not open to the public during regular tours of Graceland.

Elvis’ bedroom, known as the “Jungle Room” due to its tropical-themed décor, is located upstairs. It features shag carpeting, wood-paneled walls, and various exotic furnishings. This room holds a significant place in Elvis’ history, as it is where he spent many hours recording music and relaxing.

Elvis Presley – Upstairs of Graceland photos

These were taken by Linda’s friend Jeannie Le May who wrote a book about her friendship with Elvis and Linda.

Elvis Presley Upstairs at Graceland photos

Elvis’ bedroom graceland – Above the television. You can just make out what does appear to be Elvis (but also may not be) in the lower left portion of the mirror.

Elvis Presley Upstairs at Graceland photos

Elvis Bathroom photo graceland

Elvis Presley Upstairs at Graceland photos

Elvis’ Office

Elvis Presley Upstairs at Graceland photos

Entry doors to Elvis’ bedroom

Elvis Presley Upstairs at Graceland photos

Hallway to Elvis’ bedroom (through black padded doors)

Elvis Presley Upstairs at Graceland photos

Elvis’ bed and nightstand

Elvis Presley Upstairs at Graceland photos

Elvis Presley Upstairs at Graceland photos

Elvis Presley Upstairs at Graceland photos

Linda sitting on Elvis’ bed

Elvis Presley Upstairs at Graceland photos

Getlo in Linda’s bathroom upstairs

Elvis Presley Upstairs at Graceland photos
Elvis Presley’s Office Room in Graceland

Elvis’ Bed Graceland 1968

Elvis Presley Upstairs at Graceland photos

stairway to Elvis heaven

Upstairs at Graceland

Inside Graceland – Building Plan for Graceland

Inside Graceland

What did Elvis Presley think about The Beatles?


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  1. I met Lisa And Percilla at jennsons at LAKEARROWHEAD

      • To reiterate what TY was saying, Who cares? No worries. I’ll answer that for you. NO ONE CARES!! Also please note the proper use of caps lock. I didn’t caps the ENTIRE sentence, rather JUST the part I wanted to emphasize. TY is absolutely correct. Rick has the brainpower of a sugar cookie. Bubba and Logan? Same, minus the sugar.

      • To reiterate what TY was saying, Who cares? No worries. I’ll answer that for you. NO ONE CARES!! Also please note the proper use of caps lock. I didn’t caps the ENTIRE sentence, rather JUST the part I wanted to emphasize. TY is absolutely correct. Rick has the brainpower of a sugar cookie. Bubba and Logan? Same, minus the sugar.

  2. Wow. I’m surprised that I’m surprised. I guess it’s just a reflection of the hate that pollutes the world today. Why would you want to be the problem and not the solution?

  3. There must be peace and understanding sometime
    Strong winds of promise that will blow away the doubt and fear
    If I can dream of a warmer sun
    Where hope keeps shining on everyone
    Tell me why, oh why, oh why won’t that sun appear
    Elvis incorporated a lot of good messages for the era he was in, I wish things had turned out different

  4. This is crazy people are so busy trying to insult someone that we aren’t even talking about the subject that this forum was for… stop trying to critique everyone and just learn to love and encourage one another. We have to at least try to make this world a better place. Love each other

  5. Nossa….quanta gente amarga e invejosa andam aqui! RICK deve ter sido fantástico conhece-las. Isto não é pra qualquer um!!!!

  6. Wow a good example hoe Elvis fans really are. Hate and more hate. Elvis would have been so upset. . Elvis said : ‘ Jesus is King.’ Read your Bibles boys and gals. Have a nice day.

  7. ‘ Elvis’ bedroom, known as the “Jungle Room” it says on this site.

    Everybody knows that the Jungle Room is not Elvis’ bedroom. It’ s a room downstairs where he made his last recordings. You must read a biography. Don’t make up things. The story is that Vernon saw this ugly furniture for sale and he told Elvis and Elvis bought it all. It is in all the books!

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